It’s almost a year and half since the home for young girls “The Green Lotus” nearby Blantyre – Malawi, opened in the beginning of 2022. It started with six homeless girls, but after several months two of these girls decided to leave.
In November 2022, a homeless young girl with a 5 month old baby moved in as she had nowhere to stay. A part time teacher was arranged who would come to the home shelter every afternoon, 5 times a week, to teach her how to read and write as she didn’t know how.
During her stay she was also taught other skills like sewing, preparing different types of snacks which she could sell. She also started a small business by selling charcoal which enabled her to raise enough money to be independent and take care of her child. She left in June 2023.
After a few weeks, two new homeless girls moved into the orphanage, joining the others who were already well integrated.
Just before the summer, the three sewing machines that we purchased weeks before were finally delivered. During this time, which is also the school holidays, their sewing skills improved and they have even managed to make simple dresses for themselves.
On top of the daily chores in the home and the sewing, a new project was put in place where these young girls would work in the garden within the home perimeter by growing different types of organic vegetables.
In September they returned to the nearby school and, when possible, they continue with the daily chores, sewing and working in the garden.
We are very pleased to say that all the girls are happy and they are thriving every day more and more.

I work in the field of digital marketing and love to travel as much as possible. I have reached a stage of my life where I feel it’s time to ‘pay it forward’.