Since we made the decision to undertake this mission in helping less fortunate children, in our small way we have made some progress in getting in touch with organisations in Nepal and Cambodia and we are waiting to receive the information requested in order to confirm our economic support.
In the meantime, the “Children Do Matter .Org” printed t-shirts that we ordered are ready and we will wear them during our events and charitable activities. We do have some more t-shirts for those who want to join us in our awareness and fundraising campaigns.
In May this year, we will be in our t-shirts in London to give support to Rossella, one of the founders, who will participate in the half marathon in the name of our organization.
A massive thanks goes to Salvatore S. from Arti Grafiche Provideo in Sambuca di Sicilia (Italy) for his donation of the printed t-shirts and most of all for his support and effort.
We ensure full transparency offered in all areas so all donors can be confident in the way we run our organisation.

I work in the field of digital marketing and love to travel as much as possible. I have reached a stage of my life where I feel it’s time to ‘pay it forward’.